Incorporating: Acute GP, SDEC, UTC
Home First - (previously Early Intervention Service)
EIS service has been expanded to include both community referrals ('step ups' in care, similar to the old EIS service) along with facilitating discharges from hospital ('step downs' in care) and rebranded 'Home First'. Further information on this service is available here.
A hospital and community spanning network of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nurses, domiciliary care, night sitters, onward and social care, with access to ring-fenced community beds.
GP referrals can be made directly to the D2A locality teams via the numbers below:
Carrick Home First: 01326 436677
East Home First: 01579 373572
Kerrier Home First (South): 01326 430212
Kerrier Home First (North): 01209 318102
North Home First: 01208 834500
Penwith Home First: 01736 758524
Restormal Home First: 01726 67291
..or directly to the social services access team via
Tel 0300 1234131 (option 3) or
Email accessteam.referral@cornwall.gov.uk or
Fax 01872 326613
The Access team aim to respond within 10 days to emails/faxes, this tends to be for personal cares and dressing (food preparation only is not covered).

01726 873070
01326 436677
For assessment criteria and D2A processes, click here