Incorporating: Acute GP, SDEC, UTC
Our Service

Welcome to the official Acute GP Cornwall website. Please bookmark us!
This website is intended as a guide for referring Clinicians on how to manage specific acute medical conditions and provide alternatives to admission. For chronic medical conditions, please see the RMS website for management and referral guidelines.
We run a same day clinic to provide investigations and management for patients with ambulatory acute conditions. Patients can be referred to the service by GPs, Out of Hours Doctors, Hospital Doctors in outpatient clinics, Emergency Care Practitioners and Community Matrons.
To discuss a medical admission or to discuss patient centred alternatives to hospital admission please call:
Weekdays 08.30 -18.00
Weekends 09.00-17.00
The Acute GP Service is based at Camborne Redruth Hospital, Cornwall.
We are happy to see any self caring patient with ambulatory care needs; please ring us to discuss your patient's case.
Click here to see our historic 5 year results
Below is an example of patient flow numbers over 3 week period 8/6/2020 - 29/6/2020